A funny story about my spirit animal

A funny story about my spirit animal

In one of the first reiki courses I took, many years ago, in a class of about six of us, we were asked if we knew our spirit animal. Several of my fellow students said ‘yes’ without missing a beat. None of those voices were mine, I assure you. How do they know?...
To Each Their Own… Reservoir Of Knowledge

To Each Their Own… Reservoir Of Knowledge

(Originally posted May 12, 2019) I have taken many courses, attended conferences and workshops, read (and also started-yet-not-quite-finished) lots of books, and had numerous conversations and sessions with others.  Most are related to energy work, healing,...
Fall In Love With Your Fears – Kyle Cease

Fall In Love With Your Fears – Kyle Cease

(Originally posted Oct 9, 2018) I love this guy’s perspective – Kyle Cease (picture above taken from his Facebook page).  I find his ideas super inspiring and motivating.  I’m in the middle of his book, I Hope I Screw This Up, which is great, and I...