Spiritual Support for Folks in 12-step Recovery

Spiritual Support for Folks in 12-Step Recovery

Explore the ‘higher-power’ aspect of 12-step work

In 12-step recovery, there’s usually a spiritual or ‘higher-power’ component. I offer space and guidance for people to explore what that might mean to them, and how to connect to it in a meaningful way.

While Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and its accompanying ‘Big Book’ is often mistaken for being very religious, it actually invites each person to create their own definition of ‘higher power’ and decide what it means to them. For many, this is a very individual set of beliefs and not related to organized religion at all. 

Support is aligned with Step 11

What I do is most aligned with helping folks who are working through Step 11:  improving and maintaining one’s spiritual connection as one understands it to be. 

If you feel you could benefit from support to make sense of the spiritual component of recovery, the sessions I offer can be a valuable tool.

Note: you never have to identify yourself as going through recovery in order to find value in this work.

See below for a summary of what this is and what it’s not.


What I offer

To summarize, I offer:

A space to be heard – confidential, and free of judgment or criticism.

Help finding and trusting one’s own unique spiritual connection.

Guidance into deep relaxation, and an opportunity to explore. 

An invitation to become more spiritually aware and in tune with one’s own supportive inner wisdom.

A tool intended to be supportive on one’s journey of sobriety.

What I’m NOT offering 

To avoid any misunderstanding:

This is not a part of any 12-step program or other recovery program.

While I have some familiarity with the 12 steps, my work isn’t focused on the steps, per se.

I’m not a sponsor providing accountability during a person’s newfound sobriety.

This is not a quick fix or a shortcut with respect to recovery.

Curious? Let's chat!

Exploring your intuitive connection is personal.

You want to work with someone you trust and with whom you feel comfortable.

I want to make sure that what you're looking for is something I'm able to provide.

Let's have a conversation to see whether it feels like a good fit to work together.

Doubt Less, Trust More

ContactBook now

Carla Grundison, BSc
Calgary, AB, Canada  |  Mountain Time Zone