What’s my next line?

What’s my next line?

ONE WAY TO FIND A ‘SIGN’ OR MESSAGE. Sometimes we feel stuck – unclear about what decision to make, what to do about a situation, or how to get through an experience that’s been challenging for us. We wonder what our next move is – we feel unable to see it or...
Invite the solution to the surface

Invite the solution to the surface

INVITE THE SOLUTION TO COME TO THE SURFACE AND BE SEEN That issue you’re struggling with, that problem you have, that decision you’re trying to make… ~Pause ~Close your eyes ~Take a deep breath Imagine, for a moment, that someone has come to you,...
Clearing away clutter

Clearing away clutter

SOMEONE ASKED ME RECENTLY WHETHER I THOUGHT THEY NEEDED TO CLEAR CLUTTER – mental, physical, or even relationships – in order to allow new things to come into their life. Here’s the gist of what I shared with them: Since you are asking this question, it suggests that...