A funny story about my spirit animal

A funny story about my spirit animal

In one of the first reiki courses I took, many years ago, in a class of about six of us, we were asked if we knew our spirit animal. Several of my fellow students said ‘yes’ without missing a beat. None of those voices were mine, I assure you. How do they know?...
But Spirituality Is Confusing…

But Spirituality Is Confusing…

There is so much information out there about the spirit world that it can be overwhelming. To complicate matters, much of the messaging seems to vary, and some of it is even conflicting. Each day I see someone telling me ‘how it is’ on some platform or...
He Sees The Magic Now

He Sees The Magic Now

My dad died one month ago.  His death came less than a week after having a massive stroke, which left him in a state where he was unable to speak, and significantly impacted one side of his body.  I feel 100% at peace with where my dad’s soul is now – which is,...