WE TEND TO WANT OTHERS TO BE LIKE US. Maybe we wouldn’t put it in so many words, but we do tend to seek connection with others who share similar values, interests, even abilities.

Perhaps it comes from a desire to be accepted and to make connections – to feel less alone.

But somewhere along the way this search for ‘sameness’ can sometimes have us doubting – maybe even fearing – that which is different, that which is NOT like us – even attributes, skills, or abilities with which we cannot identify.

We might be seeking this sameness subconsciously. We might even be outwardly lauding the unique abilities and differences of others, but it’s usually when what they do or how they are comes in under our fear/doubt threshold. If these differences get a bit too far afield from that with which we are familiar and comfortable, we might fear or doubt what they can do, or even turn away from or avoid this person simply because they’re different or because we have no familiarity with their experience.

(Note: I’m not saying this is ‘right’ or how we ‘should’ act or respond – it’s just an observation.)

WHEN IT COMES TO THINGS OF AN INTUITIVE NATURE or a connection to something we might not understand or be able to see or explain that one might call ‘spiritual abilities’ – it can be difficult for some to ‘believe’ because they don’t experience it, or haven’t (perhaps yet) experienced it first-hand, themselves.

I find it curious how we can distrust, disbelieve some things – abilities, qualities, attributes – so much more quickly easily and in some cases almost automatically compared to others – often simply because of the type of ability or attribute it is.

Take, for example, person A and person B who are acquaintances. Person B can do two things person A cannot do (or, at least so far, has not experienced). Person B…
~ gets premonitions, that is – visions or a knowing of what will happen in the future that frequently come true. This is what some might call a spiritual or psychic ability;
~ can open their eyes and see underwater.

I’d say it’s more likely that person A will accept without question that person B can see underwater, but might struggle to believe or trust that they have accurate premonitions – even though, equally, neither is something A has (so far) experienced, themselves. It’s quite possible they will ask for far more proof and examples of the premonitions than the seeing underwater in order to trust that it’s the case.

WE STRUGGLE TO TRUST SOME THINGS MORE THAN OTHERS, and might even dismiss them if we haven’t experienced them, and yet other things – we accept without question. These things will differ for everyone to some degree, as well.

The reason for this is likely, in large part, due to how each of us has been conditioned – society’s views, our family’s/friends’/community’s opinions and fears and doubts – all of which we’ve absorbed and have contributed to the belief we’ve formed around the validity of this new (to us) or unusual (as far as we’ve experienced) thing.

I simply share this to spark contemplation. Perhaps it will prompt each of us to consider what it is that we tend to quickly dismiss or discredit vs. what we have an easier time trusting or believing. Maybe we can look at these things a little more closely, if only to understand the ‘why’ as a starting point.

Inviting us all to stay a little more open and curious today about things we have never experienced, but that are real for someone else – whether it’s intuitive abilities or spiritual experiences, or different physical abilities, or just a human experience in this world with which we aren’t familiar. ❤

(Photo by Ali Khalil, pexels(dot)com)