YOUR REAL NATURE AS THE SOUL IS CALMNESS. By calmness, you allow the soul’s faculty of intuition to guide you to right decisions. ~Paramahansa Yogananda

I suppose, then, the question arises: but how does one access this calmness?

A few things that can help:

~ Conscious reminders to trust that things are working out. The more we remind ourselves of this, the more we discover that it is the case, and the more reflexive this trust can become. With this trust comes a greater sense of ease and calm.

~ Experiencing a reprieve from the racing thoughts by something as simple as focusing on your breath or on an image or word for a few moments – a mini meditation to take your focus away from your worries.

~ Releasing the thoughts and concerns. Getting them out of the swirl in your mind and voicing them – whether into a voice message for yourself, to a counsellor or therapist, to a trusted friend, in writing – will often help you feel a sense of relief.

~ Moving the body. A feeling of calm often comes after moving the body – whether strenuous activity, or just gentle, or just accomplishing a task.

~ Cheering on the small successes – perhaps something went your way or worked out, or you had an idea, in solved a problem, or just got the parking spot near your destination.

~ Noticing the joy and beauty around you – in the smiles or successes of others, in the world around you – elements of nature or art, something in action, something at rest.

Wishing you a day of finding calmness in moments – without pressuring yourself or judging yourself for not experiencing it as often as you might like. ❤

(Photo by Johannes Plenio, pexels(dot)com)