What Others Say Is About Them, Not You

What Others Say Is About Them, Not You

(Originally posted March 15, 2019) What people say about you is a reflection of them, not you.  Most of us have probably heard that saying before, and typically think of it in relation to a negative interaction.  Negative comments said by others can sometimes result...
If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done…

If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done…

(Originally posted Oct 9, 2018) I was fortunate to have the opportunity to take part in an amazing yoga nidra instructor certification course over three weekends in the past four months. I felt some fear going into the course, during the first two of the three...
Did I Say The Right Thing?

Did I Say The Right Thing?

(Originally posted Oct 8, 2018) I used to spend a lot of time worrying: was I doing the right thing in that moment, or what should I do or say next so that others would think I was acceptable.  I overanalyzed every situation, and agonized over how I thought I appeared...