WE CAN BE QUICK TO LAMENT A DIFFICULT OR PAINFUL EXPERIENCE – wishing things had gone differently, that we’d handled it differently, or that we’d known [this] or [that] beforehand.
But the truth is:
~ we didn’t know it would go the way it did,
~ it did, indeed, happen the way it did,
~ we didn’t handle it differently – we handled it the way we did at the time,
~ we learned something,
~ we felt something,
~ we experienced something significant.
Whether we didn’t heed the warnings read in books or seen in movies where situations were similar, or those shared by well-meaning folks in our lives who might have tried to warn us of such situations through stories of their own experiences or what they’d learned from others; or perhaps we had no warning and we were just winging it with something new and unfathomable; or it was a combination of all of the above…for some reason we were to go through this experience for our own learning and growth, and it came in the format that it did. That’s just what happened.
Lamenting the past, wishing things had gone differently – only takes energy away from the present moment where acceptance is needed and action can take place.
The best way forward is to acknowledge where things are at – where we’re at – right now in this moment.
And continue to go from moment to moment finding something bright, or unusually quirky, or beautiful, or funny, or just something that makes you feel a little spark within – to keep propelling you forward. ❤