On an intellectual level I think most of us know that we don’t know what will happen with certainty. It’s part of the joy of life, isn’t it? If we knew it all, already – where would be the fun in that?

But nevertheless we try to control situations, or just really, really work hard to try to know, predict, assess what will ‘likely’ happen.

As a person who typically wants to know the details – about a situation I’m walking into, about what’s expected of me, of the experience, of others, looking for an estimation of what things ‘might be like’ – it’s taken years to shift (and it’s a continual process) to a place of being ok with not knowing, but trusting that things are always working out.

This comes, in part, from a growing trust that I can handle whatever happens.

Each of us has already handled and made it through all the experiences (difficult and wonderful) we’ve had so far, so why would this next thing be any different?

Maybe we’ve needed help from others to get through problems in the past – or maybe we’ll need help with the next thing and we haven’t needed it before.

That’s OK, making it through doesn’t mean we did it all by ourselves.

Getting help from others doesn’t detract from the fact that we made it (or will make it) through.

We must trust our resourcefulness, and that there is a solution.

Instead of trying to predict and prepare for how the day will unfold – whether a regular day or a special holiday, whether expected to be filled with family drama or stress at work or just wondering how that conversation will go – could we be open about how it could go without trying to predict the outcome?

CAN WE CREATE AN OPENNESS IN OUR APPROACH that has us at peace with not knowing it all – and might that actually facilitate things going smoother than any amount of predicting could have helped us prepare for?

Today, I simply invite you to explore being OK with not knowing – however that might look for you. ❤

(Photo by Ian Beckley, pexels(dot)com)