LIFE, IN PART, IS A PROCESS OF GETTING MORE COMFORTABLE with ourselves, such that we share a little more honestly about who we really are, how we truly feel, being vulnerable more often, revealing our authentic self.

It’s about trusting that there are folks who will be drawn to us just as we are – rather than changing ourselves in an attempt to fit in.

After all, how we think we ‘should’ present ourselves is usually, at best, a guess or assumption based on the lens through which we view the world – shaped by only our own experiences so far. It’s not accurate – it’s completely subjective.

And it’s exhausting to keep guessing!

Inviting you to explore the ease that comes with being a little more authentic, honest, speaking your truth with compassion today – trusting that folks will value the genuine ‘you’ more than a façade you choose to present. ❤

(Photo by mark broadhurst, pexels(dot)com)